The Reformed View Standards

The Reformed View Standards:

The Reformed Path Blog covers three principle perspectives of the Reformed faith: the Three Forms of Unity, Westminster Standards, and 1689 London Confession.

We up hold the 5 Sola principles of the Reformation: Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solas Christus, and Soli Deo Gloria (namely: Scripture alone, faith alone, Grace alone, through Christ alone, and to God's glory alone.)

Lutheran Theology, though Reformed, is not widely agreed upon, and therefore is not represented by the Reformed Path Blog.

We uphold the 66 books of the Protestant canon. These are our sole infallible authority and are recognized as the standard of all Christian dogma.

We recognize the Trinity as the Father Son and Holy Spirit... These are three distinct persons, coexisting, coequal, coeternal, and are all fully God.

We believe in one true and eternal God, unchanging, unchangeable. We believe God is the Creator of all things in Heaven and on Earth. The God of the Bible is unlike anyone or anything else in all the universe. God has all power, all knowledge, all wisdom, and is due all glory, honor and praise. All that comes to pass does so  at the decree of God. All things will, in the end, result in the glory of God.

We recognize the Hypostatic Union and Dyotheletism as correct Christological definitions. All things that contradict these definitions are heresy.

We recognize the biblical account of Creation. Anything that is contradictory to the biblical account is heresy.

We believe man is fallen beyond his capacity to respond to the Gospel. He is an enemy of God and cannot understand his revelation.

We believe God has elected his Church from the foundation of the world. This election is Unconditional. It is not dependent upon anything that man has done, but it totally dependent upon his own will.

We believe in Christ undivided office. His office of sacrifice and intercessor. This undivided office makes Particular Redemption a necessity and all other views of the atonement hard to fathom.

We believe that God will preserve his Church. Those whom he has elected will never fall away. These are preserved in Christ forever.

We believe in the common grace of God over those whom he has not chosen. They are preserved from being as bad as they could be, and can only be as bad as they could be when he removes his restraining hand.

We believe in the church established by God, who is only made up of his covenant people. No one outside of these people can be a member of this church. Definitions of the Covenant people vary among traditions.

We believe in the visible return of Christ. When he returns, he will judge the nations and consummate the age. Orthodox views include: amillennialism, postmillennialism, and premillennialism.

(Some parts are derived from the Alpha and Omega Ministries statement of faith, 1689 London Confession, and Westminster Standards)


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