Is Calvinism the Only Belief that can Trend Hyper?

When I say "trend hyper", I mean that the logical end can easily become illogical and unbalanced, leading to what is called "Hyper-Calvinism". Which is a form of Calvinism that is beyond Calvin in its unwillingness to evangelize, discredit God's love, and other more serious matters.

In a recent video by Leighton Flowers, it was discussed, that many modern "Young, Restless, and Reformed" individuals were trending towards a more "Hyper" form of Calvinistic thought. Is it true? I honestly don't know. But I do know that this new wave of Calvinistic thought is the largest the world has ever seen... And the opposition is considerably weaker, so, I honestly don't know if it will ever die down... I hope the Lord has a plan to keep it around, we'll see.

But I do need to ask the question... Is Calvinism the only Belief system that can Trend towards a "Hyper" state... Can the Gospel be watered down in the arminian view, or Traditionalist view? Well, I think so. I believe, personally, if you are not a Calvinist, then you are an arminian.
Out of respect for those who don't like that term, I won't call them arminians if they don't want to be, but the truth is the truth. Synergism is synergism.
But I have encountered some teachers within the SBC, who call themselves "Traditionalist", who have Masters Degrees from *SWBTS and teach in some of the biggest SBC churches in my area that are more heretical than I can imagine... They all claim that their beliefs are in line with the **BFM2000.

I'm talking : open theism, Pelagian theology, semi-Pelagian theology, governmental theories of the atonement, and even universalism... Yet, I am told that if you are perfectly in line with the BFM2000 then you are Orthodox.
So my conclusion is that Calvinism isn't as dangerous as most people imagine. Maybe there is a flip side to the coin. Synergism has proven to be heretical in many of its logical ends... Think these things through.

Soli Deo Gloria!

* Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

** Baptist Faith and Message 2000


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