Traditionalist Leadership and their lack of charity...

By Anthony W Brooks
Lately, there is much talk about JD Hall and his connects concerning Leighton Flowers, Jerry Walls, and how Hall treated the situation.
Disclaimer: I personally do not defend how Hall treated the situation. It's not that I disagree with him, but, I personally would not say what he said or use the language he used.
That being said, I do disagree with Dr. Flowers critiquing him on this. Having listened to both programs by both men, I say that Hall is more in the right. Here's the reason... What right does Flowers have to dispute Hall and defend other Traditionalist entities who act the save way? Literally none. The way Rick Patrick treats any Calvinist is abominable and should be condemned immediately.
The worst treatment I've had from any Traditionalist was from Dr. Patrick and I'm sure Leighton is not ignorant of his behavior. Furthermore, the constant suspicion of conspiracy from Dr. Patrick which we have objectively proven to be true in earlier articles is beyond contestation. It is literally the safest thing happening in the SBC at this moment.
Also, the recent remarks from Dr. Paige Patterson in a chapel service at SWBTS saying that Calvinists would better fit into the Presbyterian Church (rough paraphrase) shows a blatant lack of charity and the over all mind of what this movement was founded on. Many, including some non-Calvinists, say the comments were out of line and should be repented of. But, naturally, they weren't.
The constant paranoia and lack of charity expressed by those in this movement is astonishing and needs to be rethought. The lack of charity shown by these men and their followers is ridiculous and Hall was in the right to point out the inconsistencies within the movement. So any attempt to defend Dr. Patrick or Dr. Patterson (who even non-Calvinists dislike greatly) is inconsistent if you are to critique Hall for what he does.
Soli Deo Gloria!
