Christians and Abortion...
Anthony W Brooks
One of the subjects I am overly passionate about is Human Abortion. One might even feel uncomfortable hearing me talk about it... I've been told. I completely agree with James White when he calls it the "cult of death" and I agree with Jeff Durbin when he says it should be punishable by death... Is that scary? No, not to me.
The Christian worldview States that God places his image on all people upon the moment of conception. We believe this image deserves respect and love. Scientific research has given us the ability to fight in that way, against the cult of death, but we as Christians shouldn't forget our underlying presuppositions.
The Christian worldview States that God places his image on all people upon the moment of conception. We believe this image deserves respect and love. Scientific research has given us the ability to fight in that way, against the cult of death, but we as Christians shouldn't forget our underlying presuppositions.
One of the most disturbing moments I experience almost weekly is hearing a "Christian" defend the "pro-choice" position. It disturbs me so much, that I just want to punch them.... (I know that isn't very Christ-like, but I'm being honest). I have to ask them why they do? Historically, Christians have saved the lives of unborn babies, and newborns left for dead. It's our worldviews colliding with reality.
I spoke today with professor Jaymi Blankenship of Gregg Baptist General Convention of Texas and he attributes part of the situation to a disconnect with reality that is happening within most of our millennials today.
I'm a millennial... I'm one of the lucky few who don't have this disconnect. But it pains me to watch my fellow people be this disconnected.
I spoke today with professor Jaymi Blankenship of Gregg Baptist General Convention of Texas and he attributes part of the situation to a disconnect with reality that is happening within most of our millennials today.
I'm a millennial... I'm one of the lucky few who don't have this disconnect. But it pains me to watch my fellow people be this disconnected.
I want to tell my fellow Christians, especially the millennial Christians... If you support the cult of death, the abortion industry, then I have all the right to question your salvation.
Now it's time for resources:
End abortion now is an extension of Apologia Church and Jeff Durbin. Includes resources to start a legal campaign in your area.
This is an article by the liberal, Leftist media about Jeff and his work against Planned Parenthood.
**You can read this article and more on our website **
Soli Deo Gloria!
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