How Far is Too Far?

Anthony W Brooks
The Gospel is our focus. The Gospel is the reason there are divisions among us. What is the extent of the dividing line? How far is too far when it comes to countering what we believe is a false Gospel?
For one sect of Southern Baptists it can walk right into the promotion of a heretic.
About a month ago I read an article in Polemics Report about a Southern Baptist Traditionalist who is organizing a conference over the Great Commission inviting a heretic to speak in August. This came at a bit of a shock. Though I don't agree with the Trad Movement, I do not want corruption to enter our University students on that level, and endorsing this man would surely do that.
Jerry Walls is a Protestant believer in Purgation and Pseudo Universalism. As much as one can water down the issue, it cannot be. Ultimately, this is a perfect example of how the dividing line has been lost and Catholic doctrines are now pushing their way back into the light within Protestantism. Why did we protest in the first place if we were going to invite it right back?
Purgation is fundamentally compromising to the Gospel, and Leighton is inviting him to speak at a Gospel promoting conference? He's a heretic who believes hell may be emptied one day, and we don't see this as contradictory to the historic Baptist message?
The reason I see for this is Jerry Walls has actively written against Calvinism for some time now... His two books on the subject are "Why I am not a Calvinist." and "Does God Love Everyone?" (Which is ironically the title of God sermon at the summit). Other speakers are Adam Harwood, "Born Guilty", Leighton himself, "Hardened or Hated?", Eric Hankins, "Biblical Election", and David Allen, " The Extent of the Atonement". So this seems to be a massive gathering of anti-Calvinist sentiment. Which doesn't surprise me after recent partnerships with men like Mike Licona who have outwardly spoken against Calvinism. Or Bill Craig who has called Calvinism a false teaching. It's the Traditionalist way. Nothing will change untill the movement starts to think consistently.
Soli Deo Gloria!
