Do I Believe That David Allen will Accept James White's Offer to Debate?

A recent invitation has been given by Dr. James White to debate the issue of the Atonement in the book of Hebrews has received much attention lately and a lot of hate from the Traditionalist side.
Accusations from Rick Patrick of Connect 316 comparing James to the antagonist, Sanballat, in Nehemiah, Leighton Flowers calling him disrespectful in his debates, and some even calling him Antichrist, James White's invitation is sitting as the backdrop of many conversations.
The invitation will take all travel burden and even gives Dr. Allen the positive in the debate. The invitation give Dr. Allen a real edge on Dr. White. Do I think he'll accept... No.
1. Dr. Allen's past accusation. Here's an accusation that Dr. Allen gave toward James:
"Ladies and Gentlemen, James White is a hyper-Calvinist. By the definition of Phil Johnson in his A Primer of Hyper-Calvinism, Phil Johnson of, who is the right hand man of John MacArthur, Phil Johnson tells you the five things that make for hyper-Calvinism, and James White by his teaching is a hyper-Calvinist. Now whatever we do in Baptist life, we don’t need to be teaming up with hyper-Calvinists. It’s fine for Calvinists to get together and have debates with non-Calvinists. Fine dandy and wonderful; let that happen all day long. But it is time for Calvinists within the convention to come out and say some strong words about hyper-Calvinism."
And I believe he will stand by his words and not team up with James for this debate. The accusation is unfounded, just because James does not see things like Kuyper or Spurgeon and say God's offer extends effective to all people doesn't make him a Hyper Calvinist. And I believe that Dr. Allen missed the mark on this one.
2. Dr. Allen has ignored every other invitation. Why should we expect him to accept this one.
3. Because Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has had a bias against Reformed Theology for a long time. Speaking with many current and past students at SWBTS, the aggressiveness against their theological perspective is growing. There are even a few who told me that they were openly rebuked within their classroom setting for their position... This is unprofessional and childish. I cannot think of anything more disrespectful than this open bias toward students that you are supposed to help grow closer to Christ and mentor them. I do not expect anything different here.
4. Dr. Allen has a weak position. Listening to his last two interviews with Dr. Flowers he doesn't have a theological leg to stand on, and accusing us of the Negative Inference Fallacy is simply unfounded. Yes, we say John 10 supports Limited Atonement, but we draw that conclusion from other places. (To name one, Hebrews 7-10).
So I do not see Dr. Allen and his 800+ book on the Atonement defending themselves against Dr. White... It doesn't seem doable when we consider the history between Dr. White and Dr. Allen, or Dr. Allen and Reformed Theology.
Soli Deo Gloria!


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