What Does a Consistent Synergist, Non-Calvinist, or Arminian Look Like?

I honestly believe that the most consistent synergists are Pelagian-Open-Theist-Universalists. Those who believe that God's grace is not sufficient to save any man by itself, but requires the cooperation of man to save him is a form of Semi-Pelagian theology. Most modern Arminianistic teachers deny that this is Semi-Pelagian, but many more accept it consistently. I've actually seen modern non-Calvinist scholars advocate that Pelagiu's works have often been misunderstood and misread, but I say that they weren't, and so do many others. I believe advocating for Pelagian Theology is more of an attempt to save your theology from the judgement of the 5th century church (who justly condemned Pelagiu's works as being heretical).

An Open Theist is one who denies that God has exhaustive knowledge of the future. Either they say he can never have it, or they say he chooses not to. The reason I say the only consistent non-Calvinist is an Open Theist is because the Open Theist can deny that God has exhaustive knowledge of who will choose him and when paired with Pelagian Theology, all people can choose by their own cooperation with the grace of God and God will accept them. Otherwise, passively, God can be charged with being guilty of creating the possibility of evil and damning unsuspecting individuals to Hell without possibility of salvation.

Universalism says all will be saved, no matter what! The reason I chose universalism is because of their view of effort. To most people God puts in extreme effort to save. I believe that he does, and I don't know of anyone who wouldn't. To say that God can try so hard to save someone, and fail, is an insult... To say God cannot do something is terrible. Especially when salvation is a logical thing to accomplish. It happens every day, God does it... It's not the question, "Can God create a rock so big that he can't lift it?" But, "Can God save anyone from their sins?" The Reformed can say "yes, of course" while the synergist has to say "well, only if..." Universalism is the only way to get out of this conundrum... Consistency.

Soli Deo Gloria!
