Are SBC Traditionalist Paranoid about the Rise of Calvinism?
Anthony W. Brooks
Recently I attempted to fit into a Southern Baptist Traditionalist forum, 316 Roundtable. It was a decent place at first, but soon it got rough.
When I posted a post about the 2015 panel discussion at BMA Seminary and the Traditionalist tendencies towards the denial of Historic original sin, Romans 5, and the question, "do any SBC teachers openly teach Pelagian Theology..." There were issues.
Obviously, in any forum where there is an overwhelming majority, there are bound to be issues. But not to this magnitude. I was blatantly accused of "accusing Traditionalist of being Pelagians" by Dr. Rick Patrick who blocked me after I messaged him telling him I'm leaving the group and after I sent him a copy of an article I wrote over Calvin's view of Charity. (I promise that I was courteous and kind). I can tell you that I have respect for a few of the proponents of this group... But I'm asking the question of whether or not this group has a stigma against Calvinism, and are they paranoid that they
will lose the convention to Calvinism?
Well, I will be honest and say the Traditionalist movement did not begin with this premise... The Herschel Hobbs type theology was in wide use before the movement even got it's name. But, the modern movement as a whole is a response to Calvinism. The Traditionalist Statement or, "A Statement of the Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God's Plan of Salvation" is a series of affirmations and denials aimed towards Reformed Theology.
Traditionalist Podcasts and Leaders advocate for people to "Sign the Statement"...
Here's the Statement:Traditionalist Statement
Furthermore, the Traditionalist news source (SBC Today) often addresses Calvinism in a negative light. In fact, in a recent post to SBC Today, Dr. Rick Patrick called for Southern Baptists to say "No Mas!" to Calvinistic Leadership... Saying that most to all of the Calvinistic Leadership in the 11 SBC entities are "protégés" of Dr. Albert Mohler (president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky). Then made a "Passing" statement, "If one did not know better, one might even assume that Dr. Mohler was leading the entire Southern Baptist Convention, from his office in Louisville, Kentucky, to become more Calvinistic." Which seems to suggest the worst... But I'll give Dr. Patrick the benefit of the doubt with the next statement, "...Such a notion, of course, would be absurd, conspiratorial and impossible to prove."
Source: SBC Today
Naturally, I have to say that not all of the Traditionalists in the movement are this way... Some are great people. But the blatant hatred for Historic Reformed Theology is ridiculous and needs to be corrected and addressed by higher authority.
There have been stories out of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and a few other Seminaries within the SBC of students who are Calvinists who have been openly rebuked in classes and in assignments over their theology... No student should be treated in this manner by any seminary. Naturally the president's and many leaders of the two seminaries mentioned (SWBTS and NOBTS) have signed the statement.
So, my conclusion... Yes, the Traditionalist movement is paranoid about the rise of Calvinism in the SBC... There is overwhelming evidence and testimony to this point, and its defenders need to be honest and repent.
Soli Deo Gloria!
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