The Traditionalist's One Dilemma...

By Anthony W Brooks

Over the last 2 or so weeks Dr. White and Dr. Flowers have been going back and forth over Podcast, YouTube, articles, blogs over Total Depravity/Inability. It's been a decently fun thing to listen to. From a Calvinist standpoint, Dr. White is doing a better job of defending his position. But, enough said.

Now. The one thing that Dr. Flowers cannot confirm is prevenient grace... So he has to do a little theological set of Twister© to wriggle his way through scripture. And we will see why, in a minute, he needs to affirm prevenient grace.

The Dilemma:

What is sin? According to Isaiah 59:2 sin, by it's very nature, is what separates us from God. So if this sin, this transgression of the Law of God, separates us from God, and the sinner is a slave to sin, John 8, then how can an unregenerate man be saved. He is separated...

How can a Hater of God, Romans 1:30, an enemy of God, Romans 5:10, reach out and respond freely to a Gospel that, by his nature, he is supposed to hate and fight against? He's not...

So, theoretically, what is needed to do this while maintaining that faith precedes regeneration? A type or form of prevenient grace. And where is that found in the Bible? No where!

See the dilemma? It is all over their Theology. Sinners are called dead because of their hatefulness towards the things of God. Their unwillingness to respond positively to him. They scream in hate and agony towards him, telling him by their very rejection that he is their enemy.

Dr. Flowers had to say, because of his rejection of prevenient grace, that yes, sinners are depraved, yes, they are separated from God, yes, they are God haters, yes, they are God's enemies, but, yes, despite all of this, they are still able to respond positively... That is the"Traditionalist" Dilemma.

Soli Deo Gloria!
