Challenging the Rebel's Claim to Moral Neutrality

Pierre Bruneau (1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith)

When it comes to debates with unbelievers one claim that Christians often fail to challenge is their claim to moral neutrality. Synergists of various kinds such as Roman Catholics, Pelagians and Semipelagians (and even Arminians) will often claim to be at a kind of moral neutral point so as to be able to do what is objectively pleasing in God's sight, and atheists and secularists will claim to be at a moral neutral point so as to make objective assertions or observations about reality; and synergists will likewise make the same claim. But the Word of God smashes such claims to pieces! And so when the synergist claims to have been trying to do good, and trying to follow the path of righteousness, and trying to please God and follow him, we should say, but God knows your heart, and his Word says that "there is none righteous" and "none who seeks for God" and "none who does good" (Romans 3:10,11,12). And when atheists and secularists say things like, objective observers say this, and objective scientists say that, and unbiased scholars say such and such, and whenever they claim to be interpreting the facts from an objective and unbiased point of view we should say, No you are not! You are interpreting the facts from a "darkened" mind that knows God but does "not honor him as God" and you have become "futile in your speculations" (Romans 1:21). Why is this important? Because until such claims to moral neutrality are challenged the cross will be obscured by a dense cloud of self righteous lies in a world where mirages are taken to be truth. The rebel sinner cannot see the true glory of the cross until he is confronted with the true conflict that exists between God's holiness, love, kingship, authority, power, righteousness, truth, perfection, and man's rebellion, sin, evil, depravity, unrighteousness, hatred of truth, and enmity against God. In short, man cannot begin to appreciate the cross until he begins to see the vast chasm that exists between God and man! When this chasm is presented before men, then do they see that their quest to seek salvation or righteousness through works must immediately be abandoned, and that their claim to knowledge and impartiality is folly in the sight of God. The only impartial judge is God, and the only way to see reality from his perspective is to know his Word. You cannot be neutral. There is no via media/there is no middle way. "He who is not" for Christ "is against" him (Matthew 12:30/Luke 11:23).
