Ecclesia Reformata, Semper Reformanda (or so we say)
Anthony W. Brooks One of the ideas that really kindles my wick is the idea of a perfect church... This is the idea that the church is perfectly formed with a perfect government, perfect hymnals, perfect Bible translations, perfect length sermons, perfect classes, perfect bulletins, perfect communion outlines... blah blah blah blah. This is called "infallible Tradition", ya know, that thing that the Reformers were trying to REFORM! Tradition is never a perfect set of beliefs and practices that can never be replaced. And the problem with many protestants today, is that they hold to their traditions so tightly that when someone challenges them, there is an all out split. I have seen church splits, and have heard great men say terrible things about other great men. I have counted votes to call and discharge pastors to and from the pulpit. Why is this ever necessary? Tradition... Being a part of a Reformed Church does not guarantee one certainty that when the church needs re...